Millions of people are facing a devastating combination of conflicts, forced displacement, and food shortages.
I donate
In Sudan, millions of people are facing a devastating combination of conflicts, forced displacement, and food shortages.
The lives of entire families are disrupted, their safety and well-being are at risk.
We are committed to intervening and alleviating the suffering of those affected by this crisis. Thanks to our experience, local network, and your generosity, we can provide vital emergency assistance and contribute to rebuilding shattered lives.
Here’s what we do:
Distribution of food packages for 50.-: Hunger and thirst are a daily reality for many refugees. We provide food packages and clean water to meet immediate needs and prevent malnutrition and water-related diseases.
Construction of tents for 150.-: Displaced families desperately need safe and dignified shelter. We strive to provide tents and material support to protect the most vulnerable from the elements and offer them a certain level of stability.
We also aim to expand our assistance by building water wells in these remote areas to ensure sustainable access to water for these refugees.
Your contribution can make a real difference in the lives of these vulnerable people. Join us in bringing immediate relief and contributing to rebuilding hope in this crisis-stricken region.
In emergency aid situations, we usually distribute food/hygiene packages for 45.- and hot meals for 5.-.
With your donation, we can immediately support such initiatives, among other things.
We refer to the provisions of our donation regulations.