You can change the world with your own two hands” is written on the wall of a school in Sri Lanka where the children of fishing families learn. Trincomalee is located on the east coast of the country, directly on the Indian Ocean, where the 2004 tsunami mercilessly destroyed everything and took many lives with it.
What happened 20 years ago is still omnipresent in people’s lives today and the damage caused by the disaster still has a major impact on the infrastructure, especially in remote regions.
The schools in the fishing villages simply lack everything. A roof without walls serves as a primary school classroom, the schoolyards cannot be entered when it rains, and for many children of the fishing families, transportation to school is unfortunately unaffordable.
Swiss Barakah Charity builds schools and renovates classes in this region. Beautiful, with walls painted a sunny yellow, with wooden school desks and windows looking out into the distance. Not only functional, but also visionary – for free, creative and happy childhoods. Swiss Barakah Charity also awards educational scholarships to pupils and students. The financial support relieves families of the costs of school transportation and school materials. SBC sews school uniforms and school bags in local tailoring workshops and provides pupils with bicycles for the journey to school.
For Swiss Barakah Charity, education is an important investment in a better future that opens up opportunities and counteracts social inequality and poverty. “Be diligent, grow up and become strong so that you can later be the ones who change the world for the better and support others in the same way,” says SBC CEO Mohamad Ajami at the opening of the schools and the scholarship awards.
The pupils continue to need classrooms, playgrounds, schoolyards that do not turn into impassable mud when it rains and educational scholarships that enable them to participate in the education system and have a better future.
“You can change the world with your own two hands”. We firmly believe in this and want to give it a boost with your help. Let’s turn two into four. Let’s lend two helping hands so that the children there already have a better life now and can change the world with their own two hands in the long term.
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