Your Zakat makes the difference!
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After prayer, the performance of zakat is a Muslim’s greatest obligatory ibadah (worship). It is an established right of its recipients:
Almsgiving is only for the poor, the needy, those who are in charge thereof ,those whose hearts need to be familiarized,(the ransom of) slaves, those indebted in the way of Allah, and (for) the son of the way as an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing and All-Wise.
– Sura Al Tauba, Verse 60 –
And establish prayer and establish Zakat. Whatever good you do for your souls, you will find it with Allah. Behold, Allah sees what you do.
– Sura Al Baqara, verse 110 –
Your zakat is used for zakat-eligible programs that benefit the poor and needy, making a difference!
Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions:
Zakat is the third of the five obligatory pillars of Islam and also an act of worship. It literally means “to purify”. Donating a small portion of one’s wealth to the needy purifies a Muslim’s wealth.
Zakat is not only a means of purifying one’s wealth, but also a spiritual purification that serves to bring a person closer to God. It is taken from the “rich” in society and given to the “poor”.
More wisdom behind zakat:
– Zakat purifies the giver, because he is thus freed from avarice and greed.
– Zakat brings great joy to both the giver and the receiver.
– Zakat “extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire” (Tirmidhi).
And the best part is:
– Zakat does not diminish wealth, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No alms diminishes wealth” (musulim).
All Muslim adults who are mentally healthy and have nisab (i.e. the minimum amount of property held for a year) are obligated to pay zakat according to Islam.
The Nisab is made up of 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silver. To calculate the amount in francs, the 85 grams must be multiplied by the current price of a gram of gold. According to some Hanafi scholars, Nisab is calculated based on the value of money. Example of Nisab (gold) calculation: 85 grams * gold price 55.44 CHF (11/16/20) = 4,712.4 CHF. Example of Nisab (silver) calculation: 595 grams * silver price 0.73 CHF (16.11.20) = 434.35 CHF This means that from the moment a person’s fortune exceeds 4,712, 4 CHF and holds it for a year, this person must pay zakat on his wealth that he holds after one year. Depending on the price of silver, the Nisab in this case would be 434.35 CHF. Tip: If you choose to calculate based on the price of money, you can already “clean” your assets with a lower amount through Zakat and at the same time find yourself on the “safe side”.
Zakat is equal to 2.5% of the net assets held by a person as of the cut-off date. The due date is first set one lunar year after the date the Nisab is first reached, then annually on that date, as long as the Nisab is not reached. For a detailed calculation of the net value of your zakat, you can make an appointment with the imam you trust. Tip: The zakat calculators you can find on the Internet do not take your individual situation into account. We recommend that you calculate the exact zakat with an expert or simply round generously to account for any assets that may be subject to zakat.
Zakat is used by the Swiss charity Barakah for the first three groups of zakat beneficiaries, namely the poor, the needy and those involved in the distribution of zakat. (Compare Surah Tauba, verse 60)
Zakat eligible programs for the poor and needy are promoted and thus zakat helps in emergency and development projects. Zakat is used where the Swiss Barakah Charity currently sees the greatest need and greatest benefit!